The Department of Vocational Studies organized a special program to commemorate Anti-ragging week in collaboration with the Anti-ragging Committee of Unity College. The objective of the event is to create mental health awareness, focusing on ragging and bullying and to psycho educate the young Student Leaders and Faculty of Unity College.
Unity community was fortunate to have our distinguished resource person, Dr. Temsuyanger, Psychiatrist SMO, Nodal Officer District Mental Health Program (DMHP) Civil Hospital Dimapur, who has been correcting the narratives of mental health in Nagaland. He delivered a powerful and an engaging talk on ‘Ragging and Bullying: Effects on psychological well-being of individuals.’. He emphasized on the importance of identifying behaviors to begin with, in order to help prevent and minimize the cause and its effects of bullying and ragging. He provided a thoughtful guidance and direction on how to act upon when such incidents take place. Cited coherent and relevant examples and shared his personal experience of how he was also once a victim of ragging when he was a student in medical college. He reflected on how people normally relate victims to only women/females, while in reality men are also equally victimized.
As the session provoked thoughts and encouraged interactions, students raised questions and Dr. Yanger responded from his wealth of wisdom and experience in the field.
The session successfully ended in a comforting note as the psychiatrist provided the most needed psycho education and shed knowledge on the said topic, it left everyone in a lighter note and increased in awareness.