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Best Practices

Financial Aid to Staff and Merit scholarships to students

Objectives of the Practice:

To uphold the value, responsibility, and service towards the members of Unity College as enshrined in the Institution’s Vision and Mission.

The Context:

To ensure that the college accomplishes its mission to impart quality education and at the same time cater to the needs of financially challenged members, and at the same time foster loyalty, enable increased productivity and boost morale, the institution extends support to the members through Financial Aid to Staff, Merit scholarships to students.

The Practice:

  • Financial Aid to Staff: An employee of Unity College is eligible for a loan amounting to three months salary without paying any interest. The amount can be repaid in ten equal instalments. Apart from the monetary support, the institution also has policies to purchase personal items required for teaching such as laptops for the employees which can be repaid in EMI. Smartphones to needy students were given during the COVID-19 Pandemic to ensure that the students learn online without any hindrance.
  • Merit Scholarships to Students: Merit Scholarship was started in 2012. Students securing 75% and above in their XII standard exams are eligible for Merit Scholarship during admission into BA/BCom programmes. The scholarship is provided in four equal instalments during the time of admission (1st Sem), 2nd Sem, 5th Sem and 6th Sem. A total of ten thousand rupees is given to the students as Merit Scholarship.

Evidences of Success:

  • (a) Altogether, during the 2020-2021 session, a total of 43 Students received Merit scholarships under the scheme
  • (b) 5 Students were given smartphones during the pandemic period.
  • (c) 7 Faculty were given new laptops on EMI under this scheme
  • (d) 2 Faculty availed loans under this scheme

Problems encountered and Resources Required:

  • (a) The institution, being a private entity, is not able to provide loans beyond the amount prescribed in the service rule.
  • (b) Many members cannot avail loans at the same time due to limited budget.

Blood Donation

Objectives of the practice:

The college takes cognizance of the thousands of people who depend on the good will of blood donors to keep them in good health or allow them to stay alive. It is with the objective of providing a vital service to the community and making a difference in the lives of the people in need of the precious gift of blood that the college under the aegis of Red Ribbon Club initiates blood donation campaign annually. The practice of regular and voluntary blood donation is encouraged in order to ensure that blood will always be available whenever and wherever it is needed.

The Context:

The teachers try to make the students aware of how voluntary, unpaid donors like them are the foundation of a safe blood supply which saves the life of many people from the jaws of untimely death. Through mentor mentee sessions the students are also made aware about how blood donation is not just beneficial to the receivers but to the donor as well. This is because every person who donates blood undergoes a simple physical examination and blood test before giving blood. While these are not in-depth tests, but they may help identify hitherto, unknown health concerns, and could help the donors take the first step towards treatment if any problem is detected. Also knowing that they make a difference in the lives of people by donating their blood will help boost their sense of well-being.

The Practice:

The College through the Red Ribbon Club (RCC) initiates Blood Donation Campaign annually in collaboration with Blood Bank District Hospital, Dimapur. In recognition of the noble initiative the College has received a Certificate from Blood Bank District Hospital.
Unity College Student community is mindful of the importance of donating blood. To date 89 Blood donors – inclusive of the students and employees- have registered themselves as voluntary blood donors. The list of the blood donors is maintained by Red Ribbon Club with their blood group and contact details. The Blood donors are given Certificates by the Blood Bank District Hospital once they donate blood. In the event that the donor fall sick and require blood, this certificate can be produced before the Blood Bank to get access to free blood.

Evidences of Success:

On 16th December, 2019, a Blood Donation Campaign was jointly organized by NSS & NCC where 75 Students participated. The students and employees come forward with good grace to donate blood or any other help they can render when anyone in need reaches out to the
college. The Student community is well acquainted with all the activities related to blood donation and its importance due to massive awareness created by the Mentors/Teachers, particularly during the mentor mentee sessions. Unity College community is acclaimed for being regular blood donors in the state. The college has also been listed among the pro active institutes in giving and helping others through blood donation and other community extension services.

Problems encountered and Resources Required:

The College has faced some hurdles in making this practice more widespread because of few reasons. The most important among them being the lack of awareness particularly on the part of the parents who restrict their children from donating blood because of the erroneous notion
that donating blood can make one more susceptible to sickness or make them weak. Another hurdle is that, sometimes due to rare blood group or such other issues, those willing to donate are prevented or unable to donate. To make the practice more impactful and extensive, conscientious effort will have to be made to inform the students and parents and all the stakeholders about the healthy benefits of donating blood.