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Department of Education

Programmes Offered: B.A Education Major

About the Department

The Department of Education, Unity College formally introduced its honours course in 2014.

Education as a subject is broad and comprehensive which introduces the area or course such as Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, Early Childhood Care and Education, Educational Technology, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Guidance and Counseling in Education, Curriculum Development and Construction, Mental Health Education, Statistics in Education, Basics of Educational Research, and others. It gives an insightful understanding of Education as a subject throughout the course content and thus, prepares the students for higher education. The department ensures optimum level of learning where students can relate the theoretical knowledge through practical experiences in the teaching-learning process through curricular and co-curricular activities.

The department conducts seminars, workshops, educational trips, etc. as part of departmental activities. It also conducts remedial classes for the students and holds timely meetings within the department to review the work and progress of both teachers and students. The department strives to provide quality education and envisions excellence in teaching, research, services, and support activities for the greater understanding and promotion of diverse academic body of faculty members and students.

The department envisions to bring about qualitative improvement  towards excellence, equity, and innovation. 

The department aims to prepare effective learners who will assume positions as educators, researcher, and policy makers serving at various levels of education; to equip learners with positive values of life and make them sensible human being; to prepare students to the highest level of academic achievement; to enable them to reach and expand their full potential and to prepare them to become productive, and responsible members of the society; to extend educational services to the community through collaborations, research and participation.



Department Of Education Faculty