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Internal Complaint Redressal Cell

The institution has an effective mechanism for redressing grievances pertaining to internal and external assessment. The internal assessment marks, once finalized by the concerned subject teachers, are handed over and then moderated by the HoDs to ensure an error-free result. Students with a genuine case who are unable to write the internal test are allowed to appear for the test after producing a medical certificate or other required documents as proof.

Grievances raised by students are effectively communicated to the University for necessary action. The responses for the grievances from the University are communicated to the students immediately. Internal assessment is done on a regular and continuous basis. The internal assessment marks, once finalized by the subject teachers, are then moderated by the HoDs to ensure an error-free result.

In order to ensure transparency, the results are displayed on the notice board. If students have any grievances related to their marks, they can report to the head of the department. If the grievance is genuine, the HoD forwards the matter to the exam committee for necessary action. The exam committee takes up the matter and resolves the issue at the earliest. Students with a genuine case who are unable to write the internal test are allowed to appear for the test after producing a medical certificate or other required documents.