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Week’s program for Commerce and Arts Unity College

Computer Application Trainers, Subham Dasgupta, Imolemla Ozukum and Subijoy Acharjee delivered a week’s program for Commerce and Arts Unity College on varied modules.
I.  Introduction to .NET Framework, understanding web programming – web browser and web server, how to create HTML pages and HTML Forms, Role of .NET in Web Development, .NET Framework and platform, base classes, XML as .NET meta language, Relation with COM, overview of CLR, .NET class Frame, An overview of .NET Components.
2.  Introduction to Arrays and programs on different control structure.
3. Oracle/SQL- Oracle Product details, Different data base model, RDBMS components –Kernel, Data dictionary, client /server computing and oracle, Overview of oracle architecture –oracle files, system and user process, Oracle memory, system data base object, protecting data. Oracle data type, working with tables, data Constraints, column level & table level constraints, defining different constraints on the table defining integrity constraints in the ALTER TABLE command.
4.  Different types of Language Processors, Java, Advantages of Java, OOP, features of Object-Oriented Programming, inheritance with Java Code, Polymorphism with Code.

The objective of this program is to help achieve Digital Proficiency, learn time saving automation techniques to streamline office tasks, boosting efficiency and productivity in the workplace , acquire skills that are highly sought after by employers, enhancing employability and competitiveness in a technology-driven job market.
The three  trainers efficiently  delivered  explanations where trainees took notes  along with hands-on practical activities and assessments to test out their learning. The trainers also mentored with care, a good number of trainees and helped with their queries and learning needs related to the topic.