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Dr. H. Manas Singh

Asst. Prof.
M. Tech (Department of ECE, IFHE Hyderabad), M. Tech (NIT, Manipur), Ph.D (NIT, Nagaland)

Dr. H. Manas Singh

Academic Qualifications:

Department of ECE, National Institute of Technology, Nagaland

Research Area: Optoelectronic Devices – Photodetectors

Thesis: Investigation on Ge and axial Ge-TiO2 nanostructure synthesized using glancing angle deposition technique for photodetector application.

October 2022

M. Tech.

Department of ECE, National Institute of Technology, Manipur

Specialization: VLSI & Embedded System

Thesis: FPGA based real-time underground mine environment monitoring and warning system

May 2017

B. Tech

Department of ECE, IFHE Hyderabad

Thesis: Structural Health Monitoring System

July 2015

Course Engagement:
Others Engagement:
Publications (Journals)
Publications (Conference)
Book Chapter
Poster Presentation
Additional Information
Working Days: