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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

About the Committee

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of Unity College is a collaborative partnership between educators and parents aimed at fostering an enriching educational environment conducive to student growth. At the heart of its mission is the promotion of a nurturing and inclusive approach that prioritizes the holistic development of students. Through candid dialogue, mutual understanding, and unanimous decision-making, the PTA strives to create a supportive framework for the educational journey of each student.

The objectives of the PTA are multifaceted and encompass various aspects of parental involvement and student enrichment. Firstly, it serves as a vital bridge between parents and teachers, facilitating communication and fostering a sense of community within the college. The PTA actively encourages parental involvement in school activities and initiatives, recognizing the invaluable role that parents play in their children’s education.

Furthermore, the PTA is dedicated to enhancing communication between all stakeholders, organizing meetings to discuss pertinent issues and prepare agendas to address them effectively. By representing the views and concerns of parents, the PTA ensures that their voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes.

Additionally, the PTA undertakes the responsibility of reviewing and evaluating its meetings to assess their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Through ongoing collaboration and feedback, the PTA strives to continuously enhance its efforts in supporting the educational aspirations of students and fostering a harmonious partnership between parents and teachers
